Monday, February 23, 2009



This depressed the hell out of me. I've just got back from Berlin where I swanned a little round the festival before having a lazy few days in the city where the hardest thing I did was party. Now, part of the reason I went was to scout it out for potential living area. I'm really done with the UK now and just want to get out of here. I'm an expat through and through. There is really only one thing putting me off moving to Berlin and it's not even the fact that I don't speak German.

They dub everything.

There was only one cinema in Berlin (apart from the illegal and underground ones) that showed current releases in the original language.

Personally I hate it when films are dubbed. I know this is the case for most of the western world, but I genuinely feel that you can't appreciate a film and its actors' performances unless you hear the original voice. But I can also understand that this is a cultural thing and if you've grown up with it, you're likely to be used to it. Furthermore, it made me wonder whether if foreign films were made widely available in the UK in dubbed versions, whether independent film would get a bigger audience? Comments like the one I posted above which I found on lovefilm serve to reinforce this idea. Although I don't like the idea of distorting/corrupting* (* delete as appropriate) a foreign film in this way, if more people could simply get used to the idea of watching foreign film, and really appreciate the different kind of stories they'll see, then surely in the long run it's a good thing?

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