Monday, March 2, 2009


So I'm still pretty new to all this and still trying to work it all out. Well, that's not entirely true since I'm trying hard to refrain from over analysis of what I'm writing and instead to focus on just the act of writing itself. I think that only by being initially prolific can you begin to develop both your writing and editorial voice.

This blog does not intend to compete or be compared with any other film blogs or other blogs of any kind. I want it to remain unique and entirely uninfluenced editorially by the world outside it (note that I am already breaching this by writing this post which stema directly from a few small attempts to publicise this blog online). This is another reason why I keep my name off it - to be truly honest in it, I don't want people I know to know it's me. This is particularly relevant since I work in the film industry.

I don't consider myself a voracious consumer of film criticism, although The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw is my hero in this medium. We rarely disagree on a film but I find that his reviews are so well crafted in form and content that they leave me in awe. But I have no aspirations to replicate his style. Instead my objective is to focus on my very personal reactions to films
- I think that any organic reaction to a film results from how it interacts with your personal life. I much prefer to say that, for example, Revolutionary Road had a huge impact on me because I'm at a point in my life where I'm looking for something else, abroad. I know I couldn't write an more objective (although all review is subjective...) criticism of the film when I was so blinded by the reaction that resulted directly from my personal life. I would rahter be hoenst and say that 'Control' knocked me for six to an extra level because the look and nature of Sam Riley's portrayal meant that I could not stop thinking about an ex-boyfriend who burned a hole in my heart.

So I guess that all I'm saying is that my reviews are very personal and I like them that way.

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